Dr. Paul Vickers

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/ Research Team Postdoc

GCSC/ East European History/ Slavonic Studies

Justus Liebig University - Giessen; GCSC

Research and projects

Current project(s)

Currently working on a longue-durée history of heritage, urban planning and "ideal cities" in Poland and Ukraine.
Also turning PhD into a book, looking at censorship and popular memory in communist Poland.

Former position(s)

Lecturer in English and History & International Relations, Precarpathian University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine


Monographs (and dissertation)


Constructing a Memory of Polish/Jewish Community in Tadeusz Słobodzianek’s Our Class, in Polish
Literature in Transformation, Ursula Phillips (ed.), (Berlin and Zurich : LIT Verlag, 2013), pp. 203-223.

Staging Memories of Forced Migration in Jan Klata’s Transfer!, Polish Theatre Perspectives,
1 (2010), 199-226.

“Czuję się niczym – czy to w Polsce kapitalistycznej, czy Ludowej”: Images of the Polish Father from
women’s communist-era memoirs, [“I feel worthless whether Poland is capitalist or a People’s Republic”], in Postawy rodzicielskie współczensnych ojców/ Paternal Attitudes of Modern Fathers, Maria Kujawska and Lidia Huber (eds), (Poznan: WSNHiD, 2010), pp. 48-70.

Edited volumes

Areas of research

East European History and Culture
Poland, Ukraine, Germany
Polish cinema and theatre

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic