Maarten Liefooghe (Juniorprof.)

Assistant Professor

Department of Architecture and Urban Planning

Ghent University

Jozef Plateaustraat 22


9000 Ghent

Research and projects

Current project(s)

Curating Architecture in the Expanded Field of Historic Preservation: learning from (Belgian) experiments with 1:1 exhibits and in situ interventions

20 years Vlaams Bouwmeester and 'Open Call' Procedures


Monographs (and dissertation)

The Monographic Factor: Theoretical and Architectural Aspects of Signle-Artist Museums (PhD dissertation, Ghent University, 2013)


Liefooghe, Maarten. 2017. “On Rotating Positions in Archaeology, Art, and Architecture : Grindbakken.” Ed. Antonia Thomas, Daniel Lee, Ursula Frederick, and Carolyn White. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 4 (2): 138–147.

Liefooghe, Maarten. 2016. “Exhibits That Matter : Material Gestures with Theoretical Stakes.” In This Thing Called Theory, ed. Teresa Stoppani, Giorgio Ponzo, and George Themistokleous, 12:157–167. Abingdon, Oxon and New York: Routledge.

Liefooghe, Maarten, and Maarten Van Den Driessche. 2016. “In Defense of the post-Autarkic Museum.” In Cave 1—Territories, ed. Els Silvrants-Barclay and Pieternel Vermoortel, 1:159–169. Berlin and Ghent: Sternberg Press and Contemporary Art Heritage Flanders (CAHF).

Liefooghe, Maarten. 2015. “On the Reality Effect of Superfluous Biographical Details and Objects: Revisiting the Artist’s Museum with Roland Barthes.” In Die Biographie : Mode Oder Universalie? Zu Geschichte Und Konzept Einer Gattung in Der Kunstgeschichte, ed. Beate Böckem, Olaf Peters, and Barbara Schellewald, 7:215–224. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.

Liefooghe, Maarten. 2013. “14, Rue De La Rochefoucauld: The Partial Eclipse of Gustave Moreau.” In Hiding Making, Showing Creation : the Studio from Turner to Tacita Dean, ed. Rachel Esner, Sandra Kisters, and Ann-Sophie Lehmann, 86–105. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press.

Liefooghe, Maarten. 2012. “The 1996 Architecture Biennale: The Unfulfilled Promise of Hans Hollein’s Exhibition Concept.” Ed. Véronique Patteeuw, Tom Vandeputte, and Christophe Van Gerrewey. Oase (delft) (88): 54–60.

Liefooghe, Maarten, and Stefaan Vervoort. 2012. “Een Revelerend Gesprek: De Figuren Van Thomas Schütte in Het Huis Van Robbrecht & Daem.” De Witte Raaf 27 (158): 8–9.

Liefooghe, Maarten. 2011. “The Musealisation of the Artist’s House as Architectural Project.” In Casa D’artisti : Tra Universo Privato e Spazio Pubblico : Case Di Artisti Adibite a Museo = Zwischen Privatem Kosmos Und Öffentlichem Raum : Künstlerhaus-Museen, ed. Anita Guglielmetti, Gianna A Mina, and Sylvie Wuhrmann, 5:59–74. Ligornetto, Switzerland: Museo Vincenzo Vela.

Liefooghe, Maarten. 2009. “The Musee Gustave Moreau: Collecting Life and Work as Proof of a Genius’s Contribution to Art.” Journal of the History of Collections: 1–11.

List of publications (Url)

Areas of research

Architectural Theory
Museum Architecture and Exhibition History
Experimental Preservation
Exhibiting Architecture