Maximilian Priebe (M.A.)


EHESS - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales

Research and projects

Current position(s)

Studiengang Sciences Sociales : Sociétés Contemporaines

Former position(s)

MPhil Student in Political Thought and Intellectual History, Department of History, University of Cambridge

Don Lavoie Fellow, Mercatus Center, George Mason University, USA

Undergraduate Student in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, King's College London



‘The (un)necessary connection between individual liberty and popular rule' - Contemporary challenges and historical perspectives‘, in Karen Horn (ed): Liberal Responses to the Twin Challenge of Populism; De Gruyter, Berlin (accepted, forthcoming)

(2022): Conceptual History as a Philosophical Methodology: The Case of Hans Blumenberg’s Metaphorology. In: German Historical Institute London Blog. Online verfügbar unter

Priebe, Maximilian (2022): What Is, and To What End Do We Study, Intellectual History?: A Comparison of Two Approaches: The ‘Cambridge School’ and ‘Conceptual History. In: German Historical Institute London Blog. Online verfügbar unter

2021: ‘Why Theory (I)’. In Die Funzel 6, p. 36-39.

2021: ‘Why Theory (II)’. In Die Funzel Blog. Available online at, checked on 9/1/2021

2020: Looking at Hobbes through Shaftesbury’s Lenses. The emergence of the ‘problem of normativity’ in the early modern period. In Sancte et Sapienter (The Journal of the King’s College London
Philosophy Society) 3, pp. 21–31.

2020: Thomas Pink on Ethics. Interview with Thomas Pink. In Die Funzel 5, pp. 8–9.

2020: Die Erfindung der Zukunft im Jahre 1277. In Die Funzel 4, 35-38.

2020: Die Aufklärung. In Freiheitslexikon. Available online at, checked on 12/25/2020.

2019: Erkenntnistheorie. In Freiheitslexikon. Available online at, checked on 12/25/2020.

2019: Abschied vom Mythos, oder: Analyse eines Nekrologs. Über den Film "Hans Blumenberg - Der unsichtbare Philosoph". In Die Funzel 3, 47-49.

Review: Ger Groot. Und überall Philosophie. Das Denken der Moderne in Kunst und Popkultur. DTV, München 2019. In Der blaue Reiter 44, p. 105.

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic