Oskar Czendze (M.A.)

PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Juniorprofessur "Transnationale Wechselbeziehungen: Deutschland und das östliche Europa"

Universität Augsburg

Research and projects

Current project(s)

Galicia on Our Mind: Americanization and Regional Belonging in New York’s Jewish Immigrant Community, 1890-1939



“In Search of Belonging: Galician Jewish Immigrants Between New York and Eastern Europe, 1890 – 1938,” Foreign Entanglements: Transnational American Jewish Studies [Special Issue]. PaRDeS: Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany 27 (2021): 69-83.

“Rekonstruktionen eines Erinnerungsraums: Bukowina und ‚Bukowinismus‘ in den Lebensgeschichten deutscher und polnischer Umsiedler,” [Reconstructions of a Site of Memory: Bukovina and ‘Bukovinism’ in the Narratives of German and Polish Resettlers] co-authored with Maren Röger, Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung/Journal of East Central European Studies 68.1 (2019): 57-81.

“Between Loss and Invention: Landsmanshaftn and American Jewish Memory in the Interwar Period,” Dubnow Institute Yearbook 17 (2018): 35-56.