Dr. Eszter Gantner

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin

urban history, heritage studies

Herder Institute for historical research on East Central Europe

Research and projects

Current position(s)

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Current project(s)

E-conflicts in East Central Europe
Emerging cities: Knowledge transfer and urbanization in East Central Europe during the long 19th century

Former position(s)

Geschäftsführerin von LGSCH


Monographs (and dissertation)

Gantner, Eszter:
"Budapest-Berlin": Die Koordinaten einer Emigration 1919-1933. Tübingen 2011


Eszter Gantner, The New Type of Internationalist-Béla Balázs; Ferenc Laczó, Joachim von Puttkamer (ed.) Catastrophe and Utopia: Jewish Intellectuals in Central and Eastern Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, De Gruyter, Oldenbourg 2017, 91-113, www.degruyter.com/view/product/491503

Eszter Gantner, Ayse N.Erek: Disappearing History: Challenges of Imagining Berlin after 1989; in: Karin Bauer, Jennifer Hosek (ed.): Cultural Topographies of the New Berlin, Berghahn, New York 2017, http://www.berghahnbooks.com/title/BauerCultural

Eszter Gantner, Heidi Hein-Kircher: Introduction. Emerging cities -Knowledge and Urbanization in Europe´s Borderlands 1880-1945, Eszter Gantner, Heidi Hein-Kircher (guest editors) : ‘Emerging cities, Knowledge and Urbanisation in Europe’s Borderlands 1880–1945’ , Journal of Urban History, Special issue, July 2017

Eszter Gantner: ‘Logos, Industrial Palace and Urania—the Urban Forms of Knowledge in Budapest 1873–1914’, Eszter Gantner, Heidi Hein-Kircher (guest editors) : ‘Emerging cities, Knowledge and Urbanisation in Europe’s Borderlands 1880–1945’ , Journal of Urban History, Special issue, July 2017

Eszter Gantner: ‘Konstruiertes Erbe: Zum schwierigen Verhältnis von Geschichte und Erbe’.
Heike Oevermann, Eszter Gantner, Sybille Frank (ed.) Städtisches Erbe – Urban Heritage. Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte, Berlin 2016 (special issue http://www.difu.de/publikationen/difu-berichte-22016/staedtisches-erbe-urban-heritage.html; July 2016), pp.22-32

Eszter Gantner: ‘Jüdische Räume in Berlin’ in Laurence Guillon/Heidi Knörzer (ed.) ‘Berlin und die Juden’, Berlin 2015, pp. 109–123.

Eszter Gantner: ‘Jewish Quarter as Urban Tableaux’ in Alina Gromova, Felix Heinert, Sebastian Voigt (ed.) ‘Jewish and Non-Jewish Spaces in Urban Context’. Berlin 2015, pp. 197–13.

Eszter Gantner: ‘Vom Scheunenviertel zum Schmelztigel. Das jüdische Erbe Berlins zwischen Erinnerungspolitik und urbanem Marketing’ in Bernhard Serra/Martina Ullrich: ‘In Guter Gesellschaft? Die Rolle der Denkmalpflege in Stadtmarketing und Tourismus’, Dresden, 2015, pp. 130–140.

Eszter Gantner, Jay (Koby) Oppenheim: ‘Jewish Space Reloaded: An Introduction’, Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, Volume 23, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 1–10.

Eszter Gantner: ‘Interpreting the Jewish Quarter’, Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, Volume 23, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 26–42.

Edited volumes

Eszter Gantner, Heike Oevermann:
Securing Urban Heritage: Agents, Access, and Securitization
Routledge, forthcoming 2019

Eszter Gantner, Nicole Shea:
Contemporary Urban Research in the European City
(Special Issue of EuropeNow, May 2018) (EuropeNow is an online monthly journal, published by the Council for European Studies (CES) at Columbia University)

Eszter Gantner, Péter Varga:
Transfer Interdisziplinär! Akteure, Praxen und Topographien des Wissenstransfers,
Frankfurt am Main 2013

List of publications (Url)


Areas of research

Wissens- und Ideengeschichte,Digitale Geschichte
Stadtgeschichte und Stadtanthropologie
Kulturerbeforschung, Jüdische Geschichte,

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic