

Blakeman, Kathryn (Institute for Oral History, Baylor University) / Charnley, Jeffrey G. (Department of American Thought and Language, Michigan State University) / Larson, Mary (University of Nevada Oral History Program, University of Nevada, Reno) / Preuss,

H-ORALHIST is a moderated discussion list with the primary purpose "to enable oral historians more easily to discuss research interests, current projects, teaching methods and the state of historiography in the field. H-ORALHIST is especially interested in methods of teaching oral history to graduate and undergraduate students in diverse settings." In addition to information about H-ORALHIST and its activities, this website offers WWW resources.
Hosting / Distributor

Michigan State University: East Lansing, US (MI) <http://www.msu.edu/>


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United States

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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