Women's History in Ireland


Luddy, Maria (Director, Women's History Project) / Cox, Catherine / Lane, Leeann / Urquhart, Diane

This directory of information sources relating to the history of women in Ireland contains information and descriptions of over 14,000 collections and sources in 262 repositories in the Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland. The directory is the result of a survey undertaken by the Women's History Project. [...] The main criteria for inclusion were that the collections contained material about women's lives and roles. We used the following categories as a way of ascertaining where material relating to women might be found in particular archives or repositories: (1) collections of individual women (2) records of women's organisations (3) religious/ecclesiastical records (4) records of an organisation, institution or movement in which women played a significant but not exclusive part records of an organisation, institution, or movement that significantly influenced women's lives (5) papers of a family (in which there are papers of female members) (6) collections with 'hidden' women. [self-description]
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Dublin Institute of Technology: Dublin, IE <http://www.electronics.dit.ie>




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Thomas Meyer
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