WaiMilHist - The Electronic Journal of Military History within the History Department at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

The University of Waikato History Department is, like many other research and teaching faculties, desperately working its way into the computer age. As part of our learning curve we introduce WaiMilHist, our electronic journal - an opportunity for our Honours students to see their end of term exercises published. [...] we plan to present two [editions] per annum from 1998. Students from two classes, History of Strategy" (Dr. Douglas Simes) and "Aspects of Military History" (Dr. Laurie Barber) will be encouraged to offer each an article, after criticism from their peers and advice from their lecturers." [self-description]
Hosting / Distributor

University of Waikato: Hamilton, NZ <http://www.waikato.ac.nz>



New Zealand

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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