Department of History [Frostburg State University]

"Welcome to the Department of History at Frostburg State University." Courses are for example: 1. Science, Technology and Society - Interdisciplinary examination of models of research, development of science and technology, and application and subsequent impact of developments on society and the environment. 2. Current Issues & New Technologies in Mass Comm. - Examines a variety of new and emerging telecommunications technologies. Considers the historical and ethical impacts of these technologies on the media; issues and economics driving the implementation of these technologies; and their adoption and use by consumers. 3. Computer Music Technology - Practical approach to the use of various music applications computers, Musical Instrument Digital Interface synthesizers and associated software (sequencer and notational). Designed to give students an introductory survey of computer music technology as it applies to performance and academic areas within the field of music. Classes are laboratory in nature, held in the Electronic Music Lab.
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Frostburg State University: Frostburg, US <>




United States

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Thomas Meyer
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