Department of History and Geography [Clemson University]

"Clemson's Department of History and Geography is home to 24 faculty members who cover a wide range of fields and who have been honored with numerous awards for both teaching and scholarship." Courses are for example: 1. "History, Technology, and Society - Topics in the history of technology with emphasis on how technology affects society and how society shapes technology. Emphasis is on 19th and 20th century America, but some material from other periods of Western Civilization and other world regions may be discussed. 2. History of Science - Survey of the development of science in the Western world, emphasizing the period from the Renaissance to the present. 3. History of Technology - History of the major developments in Western technology and their relationships to the societies and cultures in which they flourished. 4. History of American Technology - History of developments in technology and their role in American life with particular emphasis on the American Industrial Revolution and the 20th century."
Hosting / Distributor

Clemson University: Clemson, US <>




United States

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Published on
Thomas Meyer
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