Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Ancient Greek accentuation. synchronic patterns, frequency effects, and prehistory
    Probert, Philomen: Ancient Greek accentuation. synchronic patterns, frequency effects, and prehistory (2006)
    Review James Clackson in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Monarchy and religion. the transformation of royal culture in eighteenth-century Europe
    Schaich, Michael (Hrsg.): Monarchy and religion. the transformation of royal culture in eighteenth-century Europe (2007)
    Review Ronald G. Asch in: sehepunkte
  • Historiography at the end of the Republic. provincial perspectives on Roman rule
    Yarrow, Liv Mariah: Historiography at the end of the Republic. provincial perspectives on Roman rule (2006)
    Review Johannes Engels in: sehepunkte
  • Morocco. the Islamist awakening and other challenges
    Howe, Marvine: Morocco. the Islamist awakening and other challenges (2005)
    Review Mehdi Sajid in: sehepunkte
  • Faith and the presidency. from George Washington to George W. Bush
    Smith, Gary Scott: Faith and the presidency. from George Washington to George W. Bush (2006)
    Review Uta Andrea Balbier in: H-Soz-u-Kult
  • Learning from the left. children's literature, the Cold War, and radical politics in the United States
    Mickenberg, Julia L.: Learning from the left. children's literature, the Cold War, and radical politics in the United States (2006)
    Review Rebecca de Schweinitz in: H-Net Reviews
  • Learning from the left. children's literature, the Cold War, and radical politics in the United States
    Mickenberg, Julia L.: Learning from the left. children's literature, the Cold War, and radical politics in the United States (2006)
    Review Rebecca de Schweinitz in: H-Net Reviews
  • Travel narratives from the age of discovery. an anthology
    Mancall, Peter C. (Hrsg.): Travel narratives from the age of discovery. an anthology (2006)
    Review Sebastian M. Barreveld in: H-Net Reviews
  • A well-regulated militia. the founding fathers and the origins of gun control in America
    Cornell, Saul: A well-regulated militia. the founding fathers and the origins of gun control in America (2006)
    Review Alison L. LaCroix in: H-Net Reviews
  • The allegiance of Thomas Hobbes
    Collins, Jeffrey R.: The allegiance of Thomas Hobbes (2005)
    Review David Martin Jones in: H-Net Reviews
  • Birthing the nation. sex, science, and the conception of eighteenth-century Britons
    Cody, Lisa Forman: Birthing the nation. sex, science, and the conception of eighteenth-century Britons (2005)
    Review Tim Reinke-Williams in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Ruhr crisis, 1923 - 1924
    Fischer, Conan: The Ruhr crisis, 1923 - 1924 (2003)
    Review Dirk Schumann in: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte
  • Progressives, pluralists, and the problems of the state. ideologies of reform in the United States and Britain, 1909 - 1926
    Stears, Marc: Progressives, pluralists, and the problems of the state. ideologies of reform in the United States and Britain, 1909 - 1926 (2002)
    Review Timo Luks in: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte
  • Reforming Mary. changing images of the Virgin Mary in Lutheran sermons of the sixteenth century
    Kreitzer, Beth: Reforming Mary. changing images of the Virgin Mary in Lutheran sermons of the sixteenth century (2004)
    Review Susan R. Boettcher in: sehepunkte
  • Introduction to mythology. contemporary approaches to classical and world myths
    Thury, Eva M.; Devinney, Margaret K.: Introduction to mythology. contemporary approaches to classical and world myths (2005)
    Review Birte Christ in: sehepunkte
  • Comic business. theatricality, dramatic technique, and performance contexts of Aristophanic comedy
    Revermann, Martin: Comic business. theatricality, dramatic technique, and performance contexts of Aristophanic comedy (2006)
    Review Ralph M. Rosen in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Emotion, restraint, and community in ancient Rome
    Kaster, Robert A.: Emotion, restraint, and community in ancient Rome (2005)
    Review Matthew B. Roller in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • From World War to Cold War. Churchill, Roosevelt, and the international history of the 194Os
    Reynolds, David: From World War to Cold War. Churchill, Roosevelt, and the international history of the 194Os (2006)
    Review Henning Hoff in: H-Soz-u-Kult
  • Jewish Babylonia between Persia and Roman Palestine
    Kalmin, Richard Lee: Jewish Babylonia between Persia and Roman Palestine (2006)
    Review Ernst Baltrusch in: H-Soz-u-Kult
  • Approaching late antiquity. the transformation from early to late Empire
    Swain, Simon; Edwards, Mark (Hrsg.): Approaching late antiquity. the transformation from early to late Empire (2006)
    Review Volker Menze in: sehepunkte
Page 82 (2366 Results)