The Shifting Pattern of Black Migration From and Into the Nonmetropolitan South, 1965-95


Fuguitt, Glenn / Fulton, John / Beale, Calvin

Recently published by the Economic Research Service (ERS) of the US Department of Agriculture, this report focuses on the migration of African Americans between the nonmetropolitan South and the rest of the Nation, along with education and poverty trends from 1965-1970 through 1990-1995. According to the report, since 1970, there has been a reversal of the lasting trend of Black migration loss from the South. Black migration to Northern or Western states has dramatically declined, while a simultaneous increase in the rate of movement of southern metro African Americans into the nonmetro South has occurred, particularly during the 1990's. Created by Glenn Fuguitt, John Fulton, and Calvin Beale, this 21-page report can be viewed chapter-by-chapter or in its entirety using Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf). (Copyright Internet Scout Project, 1994-2002.
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Economic Research Service (ERS) - U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, US (DC) <>



United States

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Published on
Thomas Meyer
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