The History of Jim Crow

This new educator's site takes users on a journey through American history by highlighting the era of Jim Crowism, lynching, and the disenfranchisement of African Americans from the 1870s through the 1950s. Designed and created by educators from all across the country, this site is equipped with historical essays, lesson plans, and other resources designed to assist history and literature teachers with the development of an educational curriculum concerning Jim Crowism. Beyond the above, the site also contains an image gallery consisting of historical photographs from archives across America that offer visual perspectives of the Jim Crow years; an American literature book list for middle school, high school, and college-level students; and an interactive encyclopedia that offers users access to terms, people, and events relating to the history of Jim Crow. Additionally, the site has a geography section featuring maps that give a multi-layered look at the impact of Jim Crow on the social and political landscape of the nation," and contains first hand narratives from people who actually lived and experienced life under Jim Crow. Although designed by and for teachers, this site is valuable for anyone interested in African American history and literature." (Copyright Internet Scout Project, 1994-2002.
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United States

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Thomas Meyer
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