St. Louis Circuit Court Historical Records Project

The St. Louis Circuit Court retains millions of records that document the judicial, social, cultural, and economic history of the city, county, state, and nation. This project is a broad partnership of government, university, legal, and business organizations to preserve and make available these unique judicial records to the citizens of Missouri and the nation. [...] Since the official transfer of the Louisiana Purchase and the inception of the United States court system in 1804, the St. Louis Circuit Court has produced many different series of records including minutes, dockets, attorneys' rolls, journals, registers and case files. All records from the 1804-1875 period in the custody of the Circuit Court are housed at the Court's Record Center. [self-description] Access to the resources is provided by a local search engine. The documents are presented in form of scanned high-quality images in two different resolutions easy to read.
Hosting / Distributor

Washington University in St. Louis: St. Louis, US (MO) <>



United States

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Published on
Thomas Meyer
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