Delaware Public Archives

Located in Dover, the Delaware Public Archives is the state's official repository for all types of government and state agency documents, including many from Delaware's days as a British colony. While there is plenty of information on their interaction with state and federal agencies, most visitors will want to take a look at their online finding aids to the Archives holdings and their online digital collections. From the main page, visitors can use an online search engine that will allow them search over 3600 word processing files, each of which represents portions of records groups within their holdings. Also, visitors seeking to learn more about using the Census for research will want to read the guide to census records, and potentially, the guide to using probate and genealogy records at the Archives. Finally, the archive has a fine selection of digital collections, which include photographic collections from the state highway department, the Kent County Pauper Books from 1815, various Civil War records (such as enlistment documents), and various images of Delaware towns and cities. (Copyright Internet Scout Project, 1994-2003.
Hosting / Distributor

Delaware Secretary of State: Dover, US (DE) <>



United States

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Published on
Thomas Meyer
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