London Centre for History of Science, Medicine and Technology


Joe Cain

"The London Centre for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology is a cooperative project amoung three top UK departments: Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at Imperial College Department of Science and Technology Studies at University College London Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at University College London There is a wide variety of options to choose from: 1. Science, Technology and Medicine in Antiquity 2. The Scientific Revolution, 1450-1750 3. Ideas of Health and Sickness in Industrial Society 4. The Sciences in the Age of Industry, 1750-1920 5. History of the Human Sciences 6. Philosophy of Science 7. Science, Medicine and Technology in the Twentieth Century 8. Sociology of Science and Technology 9. Science, Governance and the Public"
Hosting / Distributor

London Centre for History of Science, Medicine and Technology: London, UK <>




United Kingdom

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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