Prof. Dr. Simon Wolfgang Fuchs

Akademischer Rat a.Z., Islamwissenschaft, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Department of Near Eastern Studies

Princeton University

Research and projects

Current project(s)

Schiitischer Islam in Pakistan und seine Verbindungen zum Nahen Osten, Konzeptionen von Jihad in Afghanistan in den 1980er und 1990er Jahren, Geschichte und Bedeutungswandel der sunnitischen Rechtsschulen in Südasien und dem Nahen Osten seit dem 19. Jahrhundert

Former position(s)

Research Fellow in Islamic Studies, Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge
PhD Candidate, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University


Monographs (and dissertation)

PhD Dissertation: "Relocating the Centers of Shīʿī Islam: Religious Authority, Sectarianism, and the Limits of the Transnational in Colonial India and Pakistan", Princeton University, September 2015

Proper Signposts for the Camp. The Reception of Classical Authorities in the Ǧihādī Manual al-ʿUmda fī Iʿdād al-ʿUdda, Würzburg 2011.


“Glossy Global Leadership: Unpacking the Multilingual Religious Thought of the Afghan Jihad,” in Nile Green (ed), Afghanistan's Islam: From Conversion to the Taliban (Oakland: University of California Press, 2017), 189-206 and 299-307. Available open access at

“Modernismus im Blut: Muhammad al-Chalisis medizinisch-technologische Lesart des schiitischen Islams (Bloody Modernism: Muhammad al-Khalisi’s medical-technological reading of Shi‘ite Islam),” in Constanze Breuer and Sebastian Böhmer (eds), Technologien des Glaubens, forthcoming with Acta Historica Leopoldina, 2017

“The Long Shadow of the State: The Iranian Revolution, Saudi Influence, and the Shifting Arguments of Anti-Shi‘i Sectarianism in Pakistan,” in Laurence Louër and Christophe Jaffrelot (eds), Islam between the Gulf and South Asia, forthcoming with Hurst

“Third Wave Shiʿism: Sayyid ʿArif Husain al-Husaini and the Impact of the Iranian Revolution in Pakistan,” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 24,3 (2014): 493-510

“Failing Transnationally: Local Intersections of Science, Medicine, and Sectarianism in Modernist Shiʿi Writings,” Modern Asian Studies 48,2 (2014): 433-467

“Do Excellent Surgeons Make Miserable Exegetes? Negotiating the Sunni Tradition in the ǧihādī Camps,” Die Welt des Islams 53,2 (2013): 192-237

Ḥosayn ʿAlī Montaẓarī, “Religious Government and Human Rights (Ḥokūmat-e dīnī va ḥoqūq-e ensān),” trans. Simon Wolfgang Fuchs, Die Welt des Islams, 52,1 (2012): 69-102

Edited volumes

(mit Stephanie Garling) Religion in Diktatur und Demokratie – Zur Bedeutung von religiösen Werten, Praktiken und Institutionen in politischen Transformationsprozessen, Berlin 2011.

List of publications (Url)

Areas of research

Religiöse Autorität im Islam, Modernes Islamisches Denken, Transnationaler Schi'ismus, Schiiten in Pakistan, Geistesgeschichte des Nahen Ostens

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic