Roeland Goorts (PhD)


University of Reading

Research and projects

Current position(s)

Searching for employment

Current project(s)

Writing an article on the neutrality of the Prince-Bishopric of Liège.

Former position(s)

Teacher in Belgium


Monographs (and dissertation)

War, state and society in the Prince-Bishopric of Liège during the Nine Years’ War (1688-1697), University of Reading, 2013.


De vergeten slag bij Brustem: 28 oktober 1467, in: Historische bijdragen over Sint-Truiden en omgeving V (2006).
Troepenbewegingen in het land van Loon tijdens de regeringsperiode van Lodewijk XIV, in: Het oude land van Loon 86 (2007).
‘The fortifications and defence structures of the Prince-Bishopric of Liège’, FORT The international journal of fortification and military architecture (Fortress Study Group), 43, pp. 75-104. (Hampshire, 2015).

Edited volumes

(together with J. Daenen and J. Mertens) Limburg in ’t geweer, oorlogsleed in het land van Loon van Alva tot Napoleon, Bilzen 2008.

Areas of research

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic