Dr. dick van lente

lecturer in cultural history


Erasmus University Rotterdam

Research and projects

Current project(s)

cultural history of computers, esp in the Netherlands, 1950s-1960s


Monographs (and dissertation)

Altena, Bert, and Dick van Lente, Gesellschaftsgeschichte der Neuzeit 1750-1989 (Göttingen 2009) translation of Vrijheid en rede (2006 2d ed)


‘Nuclear power, popular culture and the rise of “global consciousness”’, Contemporanea. Revista di storia dell’800 e del’900, XVIII/4 (ottobre-dicembre 2015), 640-645.

‘Huizinga’s Children: Play and Technology in Twentieth Century Dutch Cultural Criticism (From the 1930s to the 1960s)’, ICON: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology, 19 (2013), 52-74.

‘Object lesson: Teaching Children Confidence in a High Tech World: The Netherlands 1950-1962’, The Journal for the History of Childhood and Youth 5/2 (2012) 181-191.

‘Technology as politics: engineers and the design of Dutch society‘ in Johan Schot, Arie Rip, Harry Lintsen (eds), Technology and the making of the Netherlands (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, Zutphen: Walburg Pers 2009), 365-431 (with Johan Schot)

‘A chance for Utopia: modern technology and the design of the IJsselmeerpolders’, in M. Kemperink, L. Vermeer (eds), Utopianism and the sciences, 1880-1930 (Leuven: Peeters 2010) 107-124

‘Three overviews of the history of technology’ History and technology 24/1 (2008), 89-96

‘Trajectories of Internationalization: Knowledge and National Business Styles in the Making of Two Dutch Publishing Multinationals, 1950-1990’ Enterprise and Society 2008 / 1 (With Ferry de Goey)

Edited volumes

Van Lente, Dick (ed.), The Nuclear Age in Popular Media, a transnational history, 1945-1965, New York, 2012.

List of publications (Url)


Areas of research

history of technology, history of science popularization, history of printed media

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic