Monographs (and dissertation)
The Vanguard: Central European Émigrés in the United States, 1900–1933. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, under contract, forthcoming 2024 (with Jewel Stern).
American Modernness: Advertising and the New Graphic Art in the United States, 1890–1940. Prague: Kant: forthcoming 2024.
Adolf Loos: Význam, kontext, recepce–Eseje. Prague: Kant, 2024.
The New Interior: Viennese Domestic Design and the Beginnings of the Wiener Wohnkultur: 1907 to 1914. Prague: Kant, forthcoming 2024.
Lucian Bernhard. Prague: Kant, 2023.
Josef Frank: Schriften / Josef Frank: Writings, Volume 3: Unpublished writings, Betrachtungen zu Kunst unserer Zeit. Vienna: Park Books, 2023 (editor, with Tano Bojankin, Caterina Cardamone, and Claudia Mazanek).
Nový prostor: pohyb a zkušenost ve středoevropské moderní architektuře. Prague: Kant, 2023.
Adolf Loos: Meaning, Context, Reception. Prague: Kant, 2023.
Jiří Příhoda 2021|2011. Prague: Kant, 2021
Jock Peters, Architect and Designer: The Varieties of Modernism. New York: Bauer and Dean, 2021.
Adolf Loos: The Last Houses / Poslední domy. Prague: Kant, 2020.
Eseje o Adolfu Loosovi. Prague: Kant, 2019.
Essays on Adolf Loos. Prague: Kant, 2019.
The Rise of Everyday Design: The Arts and Crafts Movement in Britain and America. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2019 (exhibition catalogue, co–edited with Monica Penick).
Případ Adolf Loos. Brno, Czech Republic: Barrister & Principal, 2017.
Adolf Loos on Trial. Prague: Kant, 2017.
The New Space: Movement and Experience in Viennese Modern Architecture. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2016.
Der Fall Loos. Vienna and Munich: Amalthea Verlag, 2015.
Kem Weber: Designer and Architect. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014.
Paul T. Frankl: Autobiography. Los Angeles: DoppelHouse Press, 2013. (editor, with Aurora McClain)
Josef Frank: Schriften / Josef Frank: Writings. 2 vols. Vienna: Metro Verlag, 2012 (editor, with Tano Bojankin and Iris Meder; introduction by Denise Scott Brown).
The Looshaus. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2011.
Paul T. Frankl and Modern American Design. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2007.
Josef Frank: Life and Work. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
“Alfred Preis and the Austrian Modernist Diaspora,”in Axel Schmitzberger, ed., Alfred Preis Displaced: The Tropical Architecture of the Austrian Emigrant and Architect of the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor; exhib. cat. Los Angeles: DoppelHouse Press / Pacific Historic Parks, 2022: 134–43.
“The Mysteries of the Helical Column / Záhady tordovaného sloupu,” in Petr Nedoma, ed., Jiří Příhoda; exhib. cat. Prague: Galerie Rudolfinum, 2022: 27–35.
“Joseph Urban and American Modernism,” in Joseph Urban: Unlocking an Art Deco Bedroom, edited by Amy Miller Dehan; exhib. cat. Lewes, United Kingdom: D Giles / Cincinnati: Cincinnati Art Museum, 2022 [2021]: 11–29.
“Josef Hoffmann and America,” in Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Mathias Boeckl and Rainald Franz, eds., Josef Hoffmann: Progress Through Beauty: A Guide to His Oeuvre; exhibit. cat. (Zurich: Birkhäuser / Vienna: MAK–Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst, 2021): 296–303; German edition: “Josef Hoffmann und America,” in Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Mathias Boeckl and Rainald Franz, eds., Josef Hoffmann: Fortschritt durch Schönheit: Das Handbuch zum Werk; exhib. cat. Zurich: Birkhäuser / Vienna: MAK–Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst, 2021: 296–303.
“Lessons of America,” in Pilar Parcerisas, ed., Adolf Loos: Private Spaces; exhib. cat. Barcelona: Barcelona Design Museum / Editorial Tenov, 2017: 22–35.
“Subjektive Wahrnehmung und dynamisches Erlebnis: Josef Franks Ideen zur Raumplanung” / “Subjective Perception and Dynamic Experience: Josef Frank’s Spatial Planning Ideas,” in Christoph Thun–Hohenstein, Hermann Czech, and Sebastian Hackenschmidt, eds. Against Design: Josef Frank: Das anti–formalistiche Werk des Architekten / The Architect’s Anti–Formalist Oeuvre; exhib. cat. (Basel: Birkhäuser; Vienna: MAK–Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst, 2015): 122–39.
“Josef Frank und der American Way of Life” / “Josef Frank and the American Way of Life,” in Christoph Thun–Hohenstein, Hermann Czech, and Sebastian Hackenschmidt, eds. Against Design: Josef Frank: Das anti–formalistiche Werk des Architekten / The Architect’s Anti–Formalist Oeuvre; exhib. cat. Basel: Birkhäuser; Vienna: MAK–Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst, 2015: 276–87.
“Vermächtnis einer Kampfdekade: Ornament und Verbrechen ab 1909,” in Christian Witt–Dörring and Matthias Boeckl, eds. Wege der Moderne: Josef Hoffmann, Loos und die Folgen; exhib. cat. Basel: Birkhäuser; Vienna: MAK–Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst, 2014: 184–95.
“Paul T. Frankl: Ein Wiener Designer in New York und Los Angeles / Paul T. Frankl: A Viennese Designer in New York and Los Angeles,” in Monika Pessler, ed., Paul T. Frankl: Ein Wiener Designer in New York und Los Angeles; exhib. cat., Vienna: Österreichische Friedrich und Lillian Kiesler–Privatstiftung, 2013): 4–23.
“Asian Influences and the Rise of Southern California Modernism,” in 43 (June 16, 2023),
“Adolf Loos for Our Time,” in Umění: Journal of the Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences 68, no. 3, 2021: 263–70.
“Adolf Loos and the Biedermeier Revival in Vienna,” in Centropa 10, no. 2 (May 2010): 128–40.
“The Origins and Context of Adolf Loos’s “Ornament and Crime,” in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 68, no. 2 (June 2009): 200–23.
“The Viennese Secessionsstil and Modern American Design,” in Studies in the Decorative Arts 14 (Spring–Summer 2007): 6–44.
“The Wiener Werkstätte at 100,” review essay, in Studies in the Decorative Arts 14 (Spring–Summer 2007): 166–70.
“’The Works of Our People’: Dušan Jurkovič and the Slovak Folk Revival,” in Studies in the Decorative Arts 12 (Fall 2004–Winter 2005): 2–29.
“The Werkstätte Hagenauer: Design and Marketing in Vienna Between the World Wars,” in Studies in the Decorative Arts 10 (Spring–Summer 2003): 2–20.
“East Central Europe: National Identity and International Perspective,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 61 (December 2002): 519–29.
“Paul T. Frankl in New York, 1914–1917,” in Studies in the Decorative Arts 9 (Spring–Summer 2002): 2–32.
“An Alternative Path to Modernism: Carl König and Architectural Education at the Vienna Technische Hochschule, 1890–1913,” Journal of Architectural Education 55 (September 2001): 21–30.
“Gedanken beim Entwurf eines Grundrisses: Space and Promenade in Oskar Strnad’s Hock and Wassermann Houses, 1912–14,” in Umění: Journal of the Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences 49, no. 6 (2001): 520–30.
“The House as Path and Place: Spatial Planning in Josef Frank's Villa Beer, 1928–1930,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 59 (December 2000): 478–501.
“’A Symptom of the Werkbund’: The Spring 1912 Exhibition at the Austrian Museum of Art and Industry, Vienna,” Studies in the Decorative Arts 7 (Spring–Summer 2000): 91–121.
“Wiener Wohnkultur: Interior Design in Vienna, 1910–1938,” Studies in the Decorative Arts 5 (Fall–Winter 1997–1998): 29–51.
“Jože Plečnik in Vienna and Prague, 1901–1921: The Search for Architectural and Cultural Identity,” in Slovene Studies, Special issue on Jože Plečnik 18/2 (1996): 171–80.
“Im Garten Eden: Frank Lloyd Wrights Erbe,” Architektur & Bauforum 24 (1991): 49–51.
Edited volumes
“Nikola Dobrović in Prague 1919–1923,” in Nikola Dobrović, edited by Aleksandar Kadijević. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences, 2024: 17–26.
“Robert Örley and the Other Wiener Moderne,” in Erasures and Eradications in Viennese Modernism, edited by Laura Morowitz and Megan Faller-Brandow. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge, UK, 2022: 200–11.
“Exile and Redemption: Denise Scott Brown, Josef Frank, and the Meanings of Postmodernism,” in Denise Scott Brown in Other Eyes: Portraits of an Architect, edited by Frida Grahn. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, 2022: 216–24.
“Refuge and Respite: The Wiener Wohnkultur and the Culture of the Modern Jewish Interior,” in Designing Transformation: Jews and Cultural Identity in Central European Modernism, edited by Elana Shapira. London: Bloomsbury, 2021: 157–71.
“Adolf Loos and His Czech Assistants,” in Nicht nur Bauhaus: Netzwerke der Moderne in Mitteleuropa / Not Just Bauhaus: Networks of Modernity in Central Europe, edited by Beate Störtkuhl and Rafał Makała. Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa 77 (Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 2020): 174–89.
“Adolf Loos and the Lessons of the Vernacular,” in Umění a evoloce: Sborník pro Jindřicha Vybírala / Art and Evolution: A Festschrift for Jindřich Vybíral, edited by Veronika Rollová and Cyril Říha, Prague: UMPRUM/ Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová v Praze, 2020: 288–301.
“Adolf Loos, Winternitzova vila a otázka autorství /Adolf Loos, Villa Winternitz, and the Question of Authorship,” in Vila Jenny a Josefa Winternitzových / The Villa of Jenny and Josef Winternitz: Adolf Loos, Karel Lhota 1931–1932, edited by Lada Hubatová-Vacková and Valentyna Nikolenko (Prague: UMPRUM / Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová v Praze, 2020): 54–75.
“Kresba, řád a smysl / Drawing, Order and Meaning,” in Jiří Příhoda, Příhoda 25| 25 (Prague: Kant, 2019): 79–80.
“Architectural History for Beginners,” in Poetics + Pragmatics: A Design Studio Companion, Smilja Milanović–Bertram and Joyce Rosner, eds. (Debuque, IA.: Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2019): 162–71.
“Mies, barcelonský pavilion a limity historie” [Mies, the Barcelona Pavilion and the Limits of History], in Dagmar Černoušková and Jindřich Chatrný, eds., Do říše umění vede mnoho bran: Pocta prof. PhDr. Janu Sedlákovi, CSc., k nedožitým 75. Narozeninám (Brno, Czech Republic: Vutium, 2019): 317–27.
“The Origins and Context of Adolf Loos’s “Ornament and Crime” and “Trotzdem” translated in Xiangnan Xiong, ed., in Zhuangshi Yu Zuie: Jinguan Ruci 1900–1930 (Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press Co., Ltd., 2018): 221–81.
“The Königsschule and Its Legacies,” in Elana Shapira, ed., Design Dialogue: Jews, Culture and Viennese Modernism (Vienna: Böhlau, 2018): 129–42.
“Becoming American: Paul T. Frankl’s Passage to a New Design Aesthetic,” in Alison Clarke and Elana Shapira, eds., Émigré Design Culture: Histories of the Social in Design (London: Bloomsbury Press, 2017): 79–90.
“Villa Müller, Adolf Loos” in David Leatherbarrow and Alexander Eisenschmidt, eds., Wiley–Blackwell Companion to the History of Architecture, Vol IV, Twentieth–Century Architecture (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2016): 261–73.
“Viennese Design Abroad: Josef Frank and Paul T. Frankl,” in Kevin Tucker, ed., The Wittgenstein Vitrine: Modern Opulence in Vienna, exhib. cat. (Dallas: Dallas Museum of Art, 2016): 117–27 (supplement).
“Architecture: The Built Object,” in Sarah Barber and Corinna Peniston–Bird, eds., History Beyond the Text: A Student’s Guide to Approaching Alternative Sources (London: Routledge, 2009): 154–74.
“Wiener Wohnkultur: Interior Design in Vienna, 1910–1930,” in Mark Taylor and Julieanna Preston, eds., Intimus: Interior Design Theory Reader (Chichester, England: Wiley–Academy, 2006): 187–93.