The eHistory Bulletin


[Editor] Schamiloglu, Uli (University of Wisconsin-Madison) / [Editor] Yuan, Tsing (Emeritus, Wright State University) / [Editor] McDonald, David (University of Wisconsin-Madison) / [Editor] Morgan, David (University of Wisconsin-Madison) / [Editor] Poe, Mars

The eHistory Bulletin is a refereed academic journal of history that targets undergraduates, secondary school students, and the general public as an audience. As more people turn to the internet for research purposes, The eHistory Bulletin seeks to provide a reliable source of historical information through the dissemination of general articles, book reviews, and critical reviews of websites related to history. [self-description]
Hosting / Distributor

The eHistory Bulletin: Stoughton, US (WI) <>



United States

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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