Jewish Women's Archive


[Executive Director] Reimer, Gail T.

The mission of the Jewish Women's Archive is to uncover, chronicle and transmit the rich legacy of Jewish women and their contributions to our families and communities, to our people and our world. [self-description] Currently the site features two exhibitions. The exhibit "Women of Valor" explores the lives of Jewish women of the 19th and 20th century who have made significant contributions to Jewish and American life. "Women who dared" showcases a group of unheralded contemporary Jewish women who risked their lives to fight for something in which they believed. In its section of primary sources the site lists sources dealing with Anti-Semitism, Arts & Recreation, Commerce & Labor, Health, Education & Welfare, Immigration, Israel & Zionism, Jewish Values & Practicies, Law & Politics, Philantrophy, Racial Discrimination and Women's Activism & Rights. The section "Bios & Timelines" offers biographies and timelines of 18 jewish women. The Virtual Archive is searchable by a person's name, a subject, an occupation or a location.
Hosting / Distributor

Jewish Women's Archive: Brookline, US (MA) <>



United States

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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