History and Philosophy of Science [Case Western Reserve University]

"History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) is an interdisciplinary undergraduate program in the CWRU College of Arts and Sciences leading to the B.A. degree. The program seeks to understand the nature and historical development of science and related disciplines (technology, medicine, and mathematics). Science can be studied as a relatively self-contained system of ideas and practices with its own characteristic history, or as an outgrowth of social, cultural, economic, and political influences; both approaches are represented in this program. Science is arguably the most powerful and consequential of all human enterprises, and it behooves us to ponder it through humanistic methods. In this sense, the HPS program at CWRU provides the ideal bridge between the humanistic and the scientific worlds."
Hosting / Distributor

Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland, US <http://www.case.edu/>




United States

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Published on
Thomas Meyer
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