The Louwman Collection - Dutch National Motor Museum

"Back in 1934 Mr P.W. Louwman, of the successful Louwman & Parqui car importship, which in those days imported American-built Dodge cars into Holland, acquired an historic Dodge - a 1914 touring car built in that company's first month of production. It was the start of what is now one of the world's largest private car collections, and the oldest personal collection open to the public in Europe. Over the years, Mr Louwman acquired more historic cars to add to that first Dodge, like the little 1900 Georges Richard he found in a Parisian side street, and before his death in 1969 his "impressive cigar and imperturbable bidding technique" made him a familiar figure at historic car auctions. His son Evert Louwman has continued to expand the collection, which - because it is the expression of personal enthusiasm - has always been composed of a wonderfully eclectic selection of cars of historic significance from all periods of motoring..."
Hosting / Distributor

Louwman Collection - Dutch National Motor Museum: VR Raamsdonksveer, NL <>


Dutch, English



Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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