Norsk Motorhistorisk Museum [ NMHM – Norwegian Motor historic Museum]

Contained in
"Norsk Motorhistorisk Museum (NMHM – Norwegian Motor historic Museum) was established 1990 as a self owned foundation. Our aim is to preserve and make available for the enthusiast and general public the motor historic development in Norway. Knut Bakke, Hamar, has been collecting motorcycles and other memorabilia since 1970, while Dag and Ole Bækkedal started collecting and restoring agricultural machinery in 1980. In 1988 we realized we had common thoughtcas about making a museum. We had then since 1987 had a machine exhibition at Fokhol in Stange (Brødrene Bækkedals Landbruksmaskinsamling). In 1991 we moved the collection to Lindstad vestre, where Dag and Ole grew up, and at the 8th of June 1992 the museum (NMHM) was officially opened with regular opening hours..."
Hosting / Distributor

Norsk Motorhistorisk Museum: Stange, NO <>


English, Norwegian



Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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